Thursday 14 February 2013

Main article planning

The concept idea that i have come up with for the main double page spread article within my magazine is about a female british singer in which she is talking about her life as a celebrity and how many young girls see her as a role model. This is because the target audience for tha magazine is teenage girls around 12-15 which means not only will they understand the concept of the article but they will also relate to it because the person whom the article is about is someone they are likely to be fans of.

I have decided that the headline of the article will be a quote taken from the article that sums up the basis of the content briefly. This is because the research that i have done for pop music magazines show that this technique has been used a lot because it gives the reader more of an incite into the life of their favourite singers before having to read anything which also tempts them to read more. The quote will then be simply explained underneath in slightly smaller writing to give the reader more information about what they are about to read.

Headline ideas:
  • "I don't understand it, i'm just like every other girl out there!"
  • "I'm the girl that no one ever noticed, now people wont leave me alone!"
  • "People think that all celebrties are divas, but i'm just like everyone else."
The structure of the written content and text will be a question and answer form like an interview. This is because the research i have done has shown that people of the age of my target audience will be more interested in an article that is in interview formation because it is easier to read than a two or three columns full of text.

Question ideas:
  • "How is celebrtity life treating you?"
  • "Why do you think so many people see you as a role model?"
  • "What has changed about your life most since being in the spotlight?"
  • "Now you're living the dream, is there anything that you would change about your life?"
  • "Who is your celeb crush?"
  • "So many young people see you as a role model. Who was your role model when you were younger?"
  • "Is there anyone special in you life at the moment?"
  • "Lets play snog, marry, avoid. Your three people are Justin Bieber, Channing Tatum and Bruno Mars."
  • "Tell us about your new album, what's the inspiration about it?"
  • "Do you write your songs about real life situations?"
  • "What is the best and worst thing about your celeb life?"
  • "Who is the most famous person in your phone book?"
In terms of images, i have decided that the image will be of the person in which the article is about on a plain white background to put more emphasis on her and the mise-en-scene within the image. The mise-en-scene in this image will create a fun and lively vibe. For exmaple, the props will consist of pretend microphones, pink feather boas, tiaras etc. The facial expressions will be happy and she will be looking at the camera to allow the audience to feel connected.  I will also use two other images that i will place below the written content. These images will be of her with fans and/or giving an incite into her life as a popstar behind the scenes.

Thursday 7 February 2013

The technique that we used to take this picture was using a low angle to show status and put emphasis on the content within the foreground and background. This was done by the placing of each person and the way in which one person is in the background higher up on the page than the two in the foreground who are lower down but closer to the camera. The reasoning for this is because it puts more emphasis on the people in the foreground implying that they are of more importance than the person in the background. The low angle technique gives the image more character because it is not at a stationary position and allows more setting to be visualised in the picture without taking focus off the people.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Final Ideas


Main Image: Female singer in which related artcicle is about her being a role model to young girls

Main Article: Female singer is seen as role model by young girls. Question and answer formation for written content.
Questions included in artcile: 'How is celebrity life treating you?' 'What has changed most about your life?' 'How does it feel that so many people look up to you?' 'Are you in a relationship at the moment?' 'Who is your celeb crush?' 'If you could be locked in a room with any three people, who would they be and why?' 'Even though you're living a dream, is there anything you would change about your life?' 'Who was your role model when you were younger?' 'Tell us about your new album, what was the inspiration behind it?'

Colour Scheme: Bright pink for headings and magazine title, white background and yellow frames around text and for contents page title.

magazine double page spread mock up

magazine contents page mock up

Magazine front cover mock up