Thursday 31 January 2013

Finalised Ideas

Final Ideas:

Name of magazine: 'Pop Universe'
Relates to target audience as it is fun and easy to remember and relates to the genre of music that the magazine is for because it has the genre name in the title.

Main Image: Female singer
The female singer in which the related is about includes information about her being a role model to young girls and how she is no different to any other normal person.

Main article: "I don't see myself as a celebrity." New singer gives us the lowdown on her celebrity lifestyle
Female singer seen as role model by the target audience of the magazine. Structure of written conten in article is like an interview - question (in one colour) then answer underneath (in another colour).

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Grid analysis

The double page spread above shows how an image can take up as many as four columns in one grid. The heading goes across two columns and each column of text takes up one column each. This is an average layout of a magazine double page spread and is used often because the image is what tells the reader the concept of the article, the heading tells the reader who the article is about and what they are going to be reading about and the written content is smaller taking up the least amount of space because it is extra information that the audience can read if they want to.

The magazine front cover above states how the main image and heading goes across all three columns on the front cover. The magazine title and goes across just over one column and the exrta images goes across two which connotes the importance and status of the images on written content on the page.

The contents page takes up the same size grid as the front cover and has a similar layout in terms of image status and text. This is because the images with the highest status goes across over one column whereas the images with lower status only fit in over just one column. Also, the main heading goes across all three columns and then the rest of the written content takes up one column per column of writing. As you can see, the images a long the bottom go across all three columns which shows that they are of the same status to one another and have lower status to the rest of the images.

Schedule and deadlines

  • Research and planning - 8th February
  • Final Magazine - 22nd March
  • Evaluation - 26th April


Mock ups completed and chosen by 14th February
Images and article concepts finalised by 21st February
Take photos of images for articles on the weekend beginning 22nd February and 1st March
Photoshop and edit images for magazine 4th and 6th March
Finalise layout of front cover with images 7th March
Finalise layout of contents page with images 13th March
Finalise layout of article pages with images 14th March
Write written content on magazine pages 18th, 20th and 21st March
Plan evaluation with bullet points 27th and 28th March
Analyse magazine week beginning 1st April
Write up evaluation from 8th - 25th April

Monday 28 January 2013

Magazine content ideas - examples

The headlines used in these two examples of pop magazine link well to the target audience and the artist they are referring to. For example, on the magazine above, the headline used is "Merry Kiss-Mas! Snogs, shocking & stripping... Uh-Oh have 1D gone too far?" This links well to the target audience because they have used slang that the target audience use, like 'snogs' and 'uh-oh' and abbreviations like '1D' which connotes how the magazine is trying to relate to the target audience. Also, this headline links well with the article because it allows the audience to be clear on who the article is about and how it will consist of a lot of gossip information and the sort of things that someone of the age of the target audience will be interested in.

In the screen shot of the magazine above, the headline
that has been used is "Saturdays soap opera. Tears,
tantrums and total meltdom!" Like the other headline,
it is clear who the article is about (as it says so in the
headline) and relates to the target audience. This is
because the information that it implied to be included
is the sort of information that the general public will not
know meaning the target audience will be interested
because it gives them more of a personal incite into their
idols personal lives behind the scenes of their celebrity life.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Magazine content ideas

Front Cover:
Main image of artist who main article double page spread is about:
- New female singer seen as role model for young girls
- British singer breaks America!
- British boyband on relationships with girls
Other articles:
- Male solo artist hates celebrity lifestyle
- Boyband want to be bigger than One Direction
- Olly Murs amaze's crowd in Birmingham concert
- "I'd date a fan" New British boyband reveal all about their pulling techniques!
- "People relate to me 'cause I'm normal" Bela on how she inspires young girls
- Olly Murs gets cheeky on stage (image from concert)
- "Sometimes my life is a nightmare" Sam Parker spills the beans on life as a celebrity

Contents Page:
- Include headlines as seen above ^
- Image of person who main article about takes up most amount of room on right side of the page
- Left hand side of the page and along the bottom consists of headlines and images from articles within the magazine.
Colour scheme:
- Bright colours that stand out and give out a lively, fun atmosphere
- Name of magazine in pink/blue?
- White background allowing written content and images to stand out more
- Written content (eg, headlines) in pink/black/blue

- Image from main article takes up nearly the entire of the front page and 50% of contents page
- Images from other articles fairly small and have quote or headline regarding their article underneath
- Written content and smaller images surround image from main article on front cover, either side of image
- On contents page, written content with page numbers on left hand side of page, image from main article in the middle, images of lower status with page number on right and side of page and small concert review a long bottom of the page in a frame/box.

Double Page Spread:
- Image of person who the article is about takes up one whole page
- Apart from the headline, all the written content is the same size which is quite small.
- Headline is in big bold writing and is a quote from the article then explained in slightly smaller writing directly underneath the heading and above the written content of the article.
- One or two smaller images of the person who the article is about is placed on either side of the written content or below it.

Why have I included this:
The headlines that I have come up with relate to the target audience of teenage girls because they are stories that girls of that age will be interested in reading about because they give more of an incite into those celebrities lives. They are also stories that the target audience can relate to because they are realistic to everyday life highlighting how young girls will enjoy reading them. I have chosen to use quotes as headlines because it makes the article seem more exclusive as that celebrity in particular has said it meaning the reader is more likely to be interested to find out more about it. I will explain the quotation used with details on who said it and why leading to more information that he reader will want to find out about. Furthermore, i have chosen to use bright colours because they will stand out for young teenage girls to see and gives out a fun atmosphere for when reading the magazine. The layout of the double page spread will enable the reader to understand what the article is about before having to read anything because the image of the said person takes up half of the given space. I have chosen to use more than one image in this article because not all young teenage girls enjoy a lot of reading at once so by using relevant images, they will get information from the pictures. Additionally, the layout of the front cover will allow the audience to decide whether they are interested in reading the magazine or not because it is clear who the main article will be about and some other articles included in the magazine will be included giving the reader all the information they need. The layout of the contents page will give the reader all the information they will need before reading the magazine as it will include who the main article will be about (which will be clear becuase it will be the largest image), where all the other articles are becuase the page number will be next to the images and headings of the articles and everything that is included in the magazine.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Magazine name ideas

Magazine Name Ideas

'Pop Universe'
This name links to my choice of genre because it links to the genre of music as it has the genre in the title. It is also memorable because it is short, it flows and is not complicated. The target audience will connect with it because it seems as if the magazine holds all the information about pop music because it is called the 'universe' making it seem like another world that the reader can get lost in.

'Pop Sound'
It represents the music genre of the magazine clearly and highlights that it is a music magazine to the audience before they have to look at any of the images or written content. The two words together flow well because they are both related to music and is easy to remember.

'Music Blast'
This name is very memorable because is is short and does not have any complicated words that the target audience wont understand. The choice of wording also links well with the genre as it is a music magazine as it makes that clear to the audience. The word 'Blast' is a verb that teenagers are more likely to relate to than adults because it is quite powerful and not sophisticated enough to be related to and adult music magazine.

Target Audience - Teenage girls

Target Audience:

As my choice of music genre is pop music, the suitable target audience for this would be teenage girls between the ages of 11-15. This because, after the research i have done on teen music magazines like We Love Pop and Top Of The Pops, it has become clear that the content of the magazines are relevant for people of that age. For example, in We Love Pop magazine, they feature a lot of articles about singers that the audience can relate to and are likely to be fans of. Such as, they recently had a main article in the magazine about the popular girlband, The Saturdays. This relates to the target audience of teenage girls because The Saturdays fans mainly consist of young teenage girls which highlight why this particular magazine would include an article about them. This connotes how if i create a music magazine in which its genre is pop, the most suitable target audience is teenage girls because the most popular and well known pop artists around at the moment fans' mainly consist of this type of people.
As you can see in the printscreens above of the We Love Pop website homepage, the features they have used relate to the target audience of teenage girls. You can see this by how they have advertised a computer game that is suitable for people of the age of 12 and above. This represents the way in which the magazine is speaking out to the target audience because it is adverrtising something that is suitable for people of that age.

The way in which this magazine homepage also has poll in which the public can voice their opinions on something they will be interested in, like who the newest One Direction girlfriend is. A magazine with a target audience of older people who not ionclude something like this as it is quite informal and allows young teenagers to voice their opinion which the do not get to do as much as adults. The choice of colours also represent how the magazine is reaching out to the target audience. This is because all the colours that have been used are very bright and extravagant which links to the target audience becuase it represents a fun and lively atmosphere making teenage girls want to read the magazine. Magazines that have a target audience of adults have are known to have more of a sophisticated and subtle colour scheme highlighting why the choice of colours on We Love Pop magazine are so suitable to their target audience of teenage girls.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Q magazine double page spread research

On this double page spread article, the image of the popular indie rock band, The Arctic Monkeys is taking up the most amount of space. This is important because it makes it clear to the audience what the concept of the article is on and allows them to decide whether they will be interested in the article or not. This image is a lot bigger than the other image used in the article. However, as both images are of the band performing, it balances the importance of the images out a little. Also, the text surrounding the small image is all balanced because it is all the same size.
Both of the images used on the page are of The Arctic Monkeys performing which relates to the target audience as they are taken at concerts in wish many of the readers would have attended. This links to mise-en-scene and how the setting of the image represents the stereoypte of indie rock fans spending a lot of time at concerts and the hair styles of the band member link to the stereotype of indie rock singers have very long, messy hair. The colours that have been used are grey and black which are quite dull picture allowing the reader to focus more on the images and text. The images hold quite a strong relationship with the reader because the images are taken at a place in which is likely for the reader to be at which makes them feel special and included in their lives.
The mode of the article is quite formal becuase it is a review of their concert so the writers have to stay professional and be realistic to how the performance was as well as seeming interested in the music. The connotes how the text links to the images because the images are taken from the concert that the article review is written about. The review are placed towards the end of the magazine after all the articles and other content as the reviews are always placed at the back of magazines.
The genre of magazine, which is indie rock music, is represented throught the colours used because they are very neautral, the choice of images as they are from a concert with indie music fans and the choice of artists because The Arctic Monkeys are a very well known and popular indie rock band.

Monday 21 January 2013

Q magazine contents page research

The thing that takes up the most amount of space on the page is the image of the band, The Courteeners, because they are who the main article in the magazine is about. This is important because it is the first thing that the reader will notice when looking at the page implying that is the most important thing in magazine. The image also holds the visual impact of the page while the the written content surrounding is all balanced to one another.
There are two images on the page which are taken from the two main articles within the magazine. As the image at the top of the page is a lot bigger than the one at the bottom, it implies that that image is from the main article whereas the other image is from a seperate part of the magazine. Also, the image at the bottom is underneath a seperate heading implying that it is not from an article within the magazine, but a review as it says. The setting of the images relates to the genre of music of the magazine, which is indie rock. For example, the main image is set in a countryside on a hill which links to the stereotype of indie rock singers not wanting to be mainstream and follow the croud. The colours that have been used are fairly neautral and give out quite a relaxed vibe linking to the stereotypoe of indie music being fairly layed back. The image compostition tells us that this magazine is based on indie music by the choice of bands and artists to feature in the images and the way they have neautral facial expressions whereas a pop magazine has more eccentric images. In comparison to other music magazines, the images in this magazine have less of a relationship with the reader than others. This is because the reader isn not included as much because the singers in the images are not really looking and the camera implying that they are not associating with the audience as much. However, the images relate to the target audience because they are very stereotypical of indie rock bands through their clothes, facial expressions, where they are and their hair style.
The linguistic devices in which this contents page uses are mainly quotations from articles within the magazine. For example, 'He's just showing off.' is used as little incite to the main article in the magazine which helps make the reader more intrigued about what they are about to read. The tone of the written content is quite informal because they use of quotations makes it seem very exclusive and very fact based by the fact that it gives very little detail and just information about where to find articles in the magazine. The text links to the images because it is referring to similar bands of the same genre and also gives information about the articles in which the images have been taken from. This page is placed at the beginning of the magazine because it has all the information the reader needs to read before reading the rest of the magazine so it will be the first thing the reader sees.
The genre of the magazine is clearly shown through the colour scheme; because it is very neautral and layed back, the choice of images and the artists in the images.

We Love Pop! double page spread research

On this double page spread from We Love Pop! magazine, the thing that takes up the most amount of space is the image of Cher Lloyd as it covers and entire page. This is important because it is the first thing the reader will notice when looking at the page which highlights to them who the article is about. The quote taken from the interview which is used as a heading for the article is emphasised over the rest of the text because it represents to the reader the basic outline of the article before they have to read it in detail. Whereas the rest of the text is balanced because it is all the same size implying that it has equal amount of importance to the audience.
There are two images on the page which are both of Cher Lloyd. This relates to the written text because the images are of the person in which the article is written about. Also, the tone of the images relates to the tone of the text because they are both quite light hearted. When thinking about mise-en-scene, the clothes that are used in the images relate to the target audience as they are the sort of clothes that the reader could go out and by implying that the target audience can relate to the people in the magazine. The colours that have been used are pink, white and black. This contributes to the mood of the image because it is quite light hearted and fun but also has some serious anicdotes included. As the image of Cher Lloyd is quite big and she is looking as if she is taking a picture of the reader, it gives the reader the feeling that she is looking at them which makes them feel special and as if they are associating with each other.
There is use of linguistic devices like quotations, such as, 'I was the girl parents blamed for their kids turning out wrong.' This shows that the person who the article is about has directly said this giving it a more exclusive atmosphere rather than an anonymous person writing about them. The mode and tone of the article is quite layed back which is shown when it states 'Forget everything you think you know about Cher Lloyed... and read this interview now!' which is quite informal as it is telling the reader to do something in quite a light hearted manner. The written content relates to the images because the images are of the people who the article is written about and taken quotes from highlighting the exclusiveness of the article. This copy is placed in the middle of the magazine because it is the main article in the magazine and needs to be placed in the middle of the rest of the articles.
The genre of the magazine, which is pop music, is shown through the name of the magazine (We Love Pop), the choice of pop stars to feature as they are all well known and the choice of colours because they are all fun and bright.

Kerrang! contents page research

The thing that take up the most amount of space on this contents page are the images taken from a selection of articles within the magazine. This is important because it means that the reader has the ability to see what the main articles in the magazine are going to be about without having to read anything becuse they can just see that from the images. The visual impact is taken up by the image of the singer who in which the main article is about. As the images surrounding it are all balanced and the same size, this image is a lot bigger implying it is from a more important article than the rest.
The images on the page are all of singers from rock bands either from a photoshoot or performing. These relate to the written content because they represent to the reader the concept of the magazine, what the main articles are going to be about and they all link to the genre of the magazine allowing the reader to realise if they will be interested in the magazine or not. Each image is surrounded by either another image or a peice of text that links to the image next to it. This helps give more information about the article and image to the audience. In terms of mise-en-scene, all images link to the genre of the magazine, rock music. This is because, in terms of costume, all of the artists in the images are wearing clothes that are stereotypical of a rock singer. For example dark, baggy clothing like the picture in the bottom left hand corner. The colours that have been used are quite plain giving more emphasis on the written content and the images which are quite dark in comparison to the background. Due to the fact that all the people in the images are well known singers in which the target audience are likely to be fans of, it gives the reader more of a personal relationship with the singers because they are seeing images of their favourite singers which they have never seen before. The connotes to how the images relate to the target audience because it shows how the choice of images are all of singers that the target audience will be very familiar with.
This magazine has not used any slang words or phrases. This is because they wanted to get straight to the point and just give the basic information needed about the articles and singers that the reader can then read in more detail later on in the magazine. The written content links to the images because the text explains why the image has been used and where in the magazine the reader can learn more about it. This copy is placed at the beginning of the magazine because it will be the first thing the reader comes across and so it includes all the information they will need to then go and read the magazine in more detail.
The genre of the magazine; which is rock music; is shown through the choice of images as they are all of rock singers and bands, the font of text because it is very bold and eye catching and the choice of colours because they are quite dark and give out a rocky atmosphere.

Kerrang! double page spread reasearch analysis

The image of the lead singer of the popular rock band My Chemical Romance takes up the most space on this double page spread from Kerrang magazine. This is important because it makes it clear to the reader who the article is about before they have to read anything which allows the reader to determine weather they will be interested in the article or not. Also, the image of the lead singer holds the visual impact of the page while the majority of the text to the right of it is balanced with three balanced images underneath it. This means that the reader can look and take in the images whilst reading the text as the images are surrounding it.
The images on the page are of the band My Chemical Romance and their lead singer Gerard Way. These relate to the written content because the text is written about who the images are of and the emotions in the images link to the concept of the article which is quite serious and emotional. Each image is either directly next to one another or overlapping which connotes how they are all linked because they are of the same band and have similar emotions.
The mise-en-scene of the images links well with the article. This is because the props and setting in the images show that they are a successful band as they include microphones, guitars, stages and studios. As the article is about them being the best band they can be it links well with the mise-en-scene of the images. The colours used also links well with the concept of the article. This is because a black and white and dark theme has been used which represents the theme of the article to the reader before they have to read it. Due to the fact that the article is quite dark and serious, the colour scheme works well. The image composition tells the reader that Gerard Way (the lead singer) is the most important part of the article becuase the image of him is much larger than the others and takes up the entire first page of the article. The relationship that the images have with audience is shown through the way in which the images give the reader more of an incite to the bands lives as the images are mainly of them in the studio which the fans don't normally get to see. The images in the article relate to the target audience because they are of My Chemical Romance which are a very popular rock band and as the target audience are rock music fans, it works well.
The article uses a lot of quotes taken from the band in which the article is about. For example, 'We're being the best MCR we can be!' was used as the basis of the aricle to highlight what the article is about. The tone of the article is quite formal but has quite a relaxed approach. This is because there are no use of slang words or abbreviations but the article is written about their personal lives. The text links to the images because the text mainly consists of quotes from the band who the images are of.
The article is placed in the middle of the magazine which is important because, when opening a magazine, it'll be the easiest thing for the reader to find which highlights its importance to the magazine.
The genre of the magazine (which is rock music) is represented through the colours, choice of images, the band who the article is about and the concept of the article.

Thursday 17 January 2013

We Love Pop content poge research analysis

For this particular content page, the thing that takes up the most amount of space are the images. This is important for a content page because it represents to the reader the main things that they will be reading about without having to read anything in a lot of detail. This also means that they can realise what they are interested in almost immediately and quickly grasp the information on where they need to go within the magazine to read about it. The images used are a lot more emphasised than the written content. This is because the images are quite large in comparison to the small font used for the text. The image of One Direction is clearly represented to be taken from the main article as it is a larger image than the others and is central in the page which implies that it is the most important article within the magazine.
The images used on the page are of popular current artists and celebrities which relate to the written content because the text explains whereabouts you can find the information about the images of celebrities, what the information will be about and the posters included within the magazine. Each image taken from an article within the magazine is placed around the image from the main article. Whereas the images taken from the posters that are included are within an orange frame to highlight that they are seperate to the articles.
The mise-en-scene within the images represent the target auidence as the emphasis is put on the pop stars in the images which is achieved by the simple settings in each picture. This has been done to put more attention on the artists in the images as they are whom the target audience (teenage girls) will be interested in. The colours in the images highlight the concept of the article they are taken from. For example, the image of one direction has a white background implying that the article is very light-hearted. Whereas the image of the Wanted has a dark background implying the article about them is more serious and dark.
The image composition basically tells us what each article within the magazine is about and which article is the most important. This is shown through the fact that the image from the main article is in the centre of the page and is much bigger than the images from the other articles.
As all of the artists in the images are looking at the audience, it makes the reader feel included as it seems like they are looking at them. This makes the reader feel special and more interested in reading the magazine.
Due to the fact that the images used are of current, popular pop stars that teenage girls are most likely to be fans of, this relates to the target audience which helps increase sales of the magazine.
The main type of linguistic devices that have been used are quotes taken from the article that is about the pop star in the image. Underneath the quote, the writer of the magazine explains the quote to give the reader more information about what they are going to be reading about. For example, underneath the image of The Wanted, there is a quote which states 'They make me absolutely furious!' and is explained by saying 'The Wanted reveal their seven deadliest sins.' The quote gives the reader excitement about reading the article as a band they are a fan of has said it themselves and the explaination describes to them the concept of the article. There are also the use of slang words and phrases. For example, 'We get snuggley with JLS.' has been used to relate to the target audience as 'snuggley' is a word they are likely to use and gives a light-hearted atmosphere. The text links to the images because the majority of it are quotes taken from the article that the image is from. This gives the audience more of an understanding to the purpose of the image as it is describing the concept of the article bluntly yet interestingly.
The fact that this page is placed at the beginning of the magazine highlights its' importance. This is because it is the first thing the reader will see and explains what the entire magazine includes so must be at the beginning for the reader to read first.
The genre of the magazine is shown through the choice of images as they are all of popular bands and singers that the target audience can relate to, the colour scheme because it is very light-hearted and happy and the name of the magazine because it is fun and makes the audience feel included.

NME - magazine research analysis

In terms of the layout for the magazine, the main image of well known, popular rock band, Kings Of Leon takes up the most amount of space. This is important to the magazine because it enable the audience to realise what the main article in the magazine is about. This image holds the impact of the page because it take up the most amount of space and is the first thing you notice when looking at it. However, there are also other images included on the page that are a lot smaller than the main image but are all balanced to one another. Due to this, it highlights the contrast in importance to the magazine between the two sets of images and the fact that all of the eight other images are placed in the top right hand corner imply that they are linked and from the same article. Whereas the main image is from a seperate article because it is placed elsewhere. This allows the reader to understand what the content of the magazine is mostly going to be about and for those who are big Kings Of Leon fans would be very interested in it.
The images on the page are all of well known indie rock bands - which is the genre of music of the magazine. The written content around them relate to the images because they explain to the audience what the images have been used for. For example, the reason behind the useage of the image of Kings Of Leon has been explained underneath it as it states 'KINGS OF LEON: Drugs ruined us. Now it's time to be huge.' which implies they made that statement themseleves as it is written in the first person. This clearly states why the image has been used and what the article is going to be about. Also, the quote used is very exciting and something that the target audience will be very interested in. This is because readers love to find out background information about their favourite bands to allow them to feel as if they are closer to knowing everything about them.
All of the eight images at the top are framed in a red border implying that they are from the same article because they are the same size and in the same frame. This is specified through the written content to the left of the images where is says 'FREE POSTER SELECTION.'
In terms of mise-en-scene, the stereotypes of an indie rock band have been portryed in the main image. This has been shown through the use of their dark clothing and their hair styles which are quite long which is stereotypical of an indie rock band. The setting of the images at the top of the page represent the stereotype of indie rock bands spending a lot of times at music festivals because all of the images used have been taken of a well known band at a festival.
The colours used are red, white and black. The red is used for the written content to stand out on top of the dark images whereas the white is used for the backgroung so the dark images can clearly be seen.
The main image of Kings Of Leon form a narrative of being quite thoughtful. This is because all four members of the band are pulling quite serious facial expressions which create a serious atmosphere for the article about them. It also allows us to believe that the mood of the magazine is fairly unembellished unlike other music magazines which as quite light hearted.
The main image creates a fairly sympathetic feel amongst the audience. This is because the four members of Kings Of Leon look quite serious and thoughtful implying that the article about them is going to be about serious matters in which the reader can sympathise with them for. Also, as the images used at the top of the page are all taken from festivals, it allows the audience to feel involved. This is because festivals are very popular among the general public and is likely for readers to have attended some of the festivals in which the celebrities. This gives the reader a sense of importance as the magazine shows them to be at the same festivals in which A list celebrities were also at. These images also link to the target audience of young, indie music fans because it shows indie bands at festivals they are likely to have attended and they are all well known popular bands that the target audience are likely to be fans of.
In terms of language, the linguistic devices that the magazine front cover uses is quotes from well known bands and information about bands that the target audience will be interested in. However, they do not always use full sentences. For example, at the bottom of the page it states 'Arctic Monkeys plan record with Josh Homme' which is not a full sentence but is clear enough for the reader to understand visibly and immediately. Even the magazine does not use full sentences to explain their articles, they do not use any slang. This is because they want to relate to the target audience who are young but unlikely to use any slang words. The written content links to the images because it explains why the images have been used, who the images are of and the text consists of information of popular bands such as Arctic Monkeys in which the target audience will be interested in findinf information about them.
The genre of the magazine is indie rock music. This is clearly shown through the use of images of well known indie rock bands like Kings Of Leon, Ting Tings and MGMT, the information given about popular bands like Arctic Monkeys, and the layout of the front cover which is simple for fans to understand but includes enough intertesting information that the target audience will be interested in.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

We Love Pop. - magazine research analysis *pop music genre*

The main image of well known current pop star, Jessie J, takes up the most amount of space on the page. This is important for the magazine because it gives the reader the indication the article about Jessie J is the main article and the most important for the reader. The visual impact of the page constists of a pink, yellow and white theme. The main image of Jessie J is emphasised as it is a lot bigger than the remaining images which are a lot smaller and scattered around the main image. This layout has been used to relate to the target audience of teenage girls. This layout works well because it links to the stereotype of teenage girls being unorganized and messy.
The images on the page are all of well known, current celebrities in which the target audience will not only be familiar with, but are likely to be fans of. For example, the images used are of pop stars such as Jessie J, Little Mix, Harry Styles, Mcfly and The Wanted. The written content relates to the images on the cover because the text used expresses what the articles are about and why the images are used. For example, the written content underneath the main image of Jessie J states 'JESSIE J The tears, the bullies... & the voice!' which represents that the main article is going to be about Jessie J's early life and her life now.
At the bottom of the page, a pink banner has been used which inludes six images of current celebrities and text explaining what importance they have to the magazine as each of the images are posters. The pink frame around this seperates this part of the page to the rest because it is the only part of the page in a pink banner. The reason for this is because the rest of the cover consists of headlines, images of celebrities and popular clothing. Whereas the pink banner consists of posters included within the magazine.
When looking at the main image, mise-en-scene helps highlight the link to the target audience of teenage girls. This is because Jessie J is wearing fashionable, current clothing which the target audience could be inspired by. The fact that her facial expression shows her feeling happy and looking and the camera allows the audience to also feel happy due to the fact that she is looking at the reader allowing them to feel connected and brings a light-hearted feel to the magazine due to her smile.
The way in which all the images are very light-hearted and consist of young celebrities in which the target audience can relate to and be familiar with, allows a narrative to be formed. This is because the images form a narrative of a happy feeling. For example, the image of Harry Styles allows the audience to believe that the particular image is forming a happy narrative because he is smiling in the picture implying that he is very happy which indicates that the article about him is going to be light-hearted. This links into the relationship that the images have with the audience. Due to the fact that all the images are of well known celebrities in which the target audience (teenage girls) will be very familiar and could possible relate to. The choice of picutres of these celebrities give the reader a sense of inclusion as all the celebrities in the pictures are looking to the camera to allow the audience to feel as if they are looking at them. This creates a positive atmosphere for the magazine. Also, as all the images of are current, well known, popular celebrities that teenage girls can relate to or likely to be fans of, they link well with the target audience for the magazine.
There are a lot of linguistic devices used on the front cover. These have been used to briefly and interestingly explain what the main articles in the magazine are about. For example, we are told that the article on Harry Styles is about his relationship with Caroline Flack as it says 'Harry on Caroline: "I wouldn't dat anyone older than my mum."' Which highlights clearly yet breifly what the content of the article is. Additionally, a lot of slang, phrases used by teenagers and abbreviations have been used on the front cover. For example, 'How to pull a pop star!' has been used which is a phrase used by the target audience of teenagers. This has been used to relate to the target audience and allow them to have involvment in the magazine content. Also, abbreviations have been used, such as 'celebs in love' which is an abbreviation of celebrity and also relates to the target audience as it links to the stereotype of teenagers being lazy and using slang words a lot.
The text used links to the images because it tells the audience what the images are about. For example, underneath the image of Little Mix says 'LOOK LIKE LITTLE MIX! Style secrets revealed!' implying that the reader will find out the types of clothes they need to be wearing to look like on of their celebrity idols.
All the text used is bold font to enable that all readers can clearly understand it and so it is eye-catching because they want to have the audience be drawn into the magazine.
The genre of music (pop) is clearly shown through the name of the magazine (WE LOVE POP), the colours used (pink, white and yellow), the images of well known, current celebrities and the slang and phrases used ('Uh-oh Dappy's on the loose!')

Kerrang! magazine research analysis

As you can see, the main image of the band holding awards takes up the most amount of room on the page. This is important because it represents what the main article within the magazine is going to be about to the reader.
The general colour scheme of the front cover is black and white. However there is a banner on the page in red which contrasts with the other colours because it stands out more. Within the banner are four images of the same size which imply that they are from the same article whereas the other image on the page is not. This is because it is a different size, it is above it and unlike the four images in the banner, it takes up the majority of the page giving the reader the indication that it is regarding the content of the main article.
The main image on the page relates to the written content of 'K! AWARDS wish you were here?' because it is directly below the image and the image shows members of the band holding the award from that particular awards show. This represents to the reader what the basis of the main article is and what to expect. Below the main image is a red banner with four images and written content above them saying 'Reading & Leeds 8 page special!' The written content tells the audience that the four images of photographed pictures of festivals are taken from an article in the magazine about two recent festivals. The red background and frame makes this part of the front page seperate to the rest. The gives the audience the indication that this article is contrasting to other articles in the magazine and does not relate to the general format.
The mise-en-scene within the main image links to the genre of music of the magazine. This is because the band are wearing quite dark clothing with masks and long hair linking to the stereotype of rock singers. As the band have a contrast in facial expressions, the image gives them their individual perosnalities which the reader might find more about in the article. Due to the background of the image being white, it allows the dark colours in the image to stand out more and highlights that this particular band is a rock band linking to the correct genre of music for the magazine. As the members of the band are looking at the camera, it lets the audience feel as if they are looking at them and allows them to be included. This makes the reader more interested in the content within the magazine because they feel connected to the band members.

The use of linguistic devices such as at the top of the page which states 'Metallica: London show exclusive! My Chemical Romance: The new album!' explains to the audience more information about the content of the magazing. There is very little slang used on the front page of the magazine but sentence abreviations have been used to get straight to the point quicker allowing the reader to spent less time reading unecessarily. The text on the page links to the images because not only does it tell the reader what will be in the magazine, but it also links to the music genre of the magazine as the pictures do. This is shown through the mentioning of well known rock bands such as Metallica and My Chemical Romance in which the audience will be familiar with. The font used for the written content is bold and balanced equally. This is used to be expressed cearly to the audience so the do not have to spend time trying to understand when the can read and understand it straight away.
The genre of the magazine has been shown through the images used. This is because they are of well known bands from interesting and recent awards shows that regard the same genre of music (which is rock). The text also represents the genre to the audience because they state well known bands from the same genre of music and talk about important events that fans of this type of music will be interested in.