Monday 21 January 2013

Kerrang! double page spread reasearch analysis

The image of the lead singer of the popular rock band My Chemical Romance takes up the most space on this double page spread from Kerrang magazine. This is important because it makes it clear to the reader who the article is about before they have to read anything which allows the reader to determine weather they will be interested in the article or not. Also, the image of the lead singer holds the visual impact of the page while the majority of the text to the right of it is balanced with three balanced images underneath it. This means that the reader can look and take in the images whilst reading the text as the images are surrounding it.
The images on the page are of the band My Chemical Romance and their lead singer Gerard Way. These relate to the written content because the text is written about who the images are of and the emotions in the images link to the concept of the article which is quite serious and emotional. Each image is either directly next to one another or overlapping which connotes how they are all linked because they are of the same band and have similar emotions.
The mise-en-scene of the images links well with the article. This is because the props and setting in the images show that they are a successful band as they include microphones, guitars, stages and studios. As the article is about them being the best band they can be it links well with the mise-en-scene of the images. The colours used also links well with the concept of the article. This is because a black and white and dark theme has been used which represents the theme of the article to the reader before they have to read it. Due to the fact that the article is quite dark and serious, the colour scheme works well. The image composition tells the reader that Gerard Way (the lead singer) is the most important part of the article becuase the image of him is much larger than the others and takes up the entire first page of the article. The relationship that the images have with audience is shown through the way in which the images give the reader more of an incite to the bands lives as the images are mainly of them in the studio which the fans don't normally get to see. The images in the article relate to the target audience because they are of My Chemical Romance which are a very popular rock band and as the target audience are rock music fans, it works well.
The article uses a lot of quotes taken from the band in which the article is about. For example, 'We're being the best MCR we can be!' was used as the basis of the aricle to highlight what the article is about. The tone of the article is quite formal but has quite a relaxed approach. This is because there are no use of slang words or abbreviations but the article is written about their personal lives. The text links to the images because the text mainly consists of quotes from the band who the images are of.
The article is placed in the middle of the magazine which is important because, when opening a magazine, it'll be the easiest thing for the reader to find which highlights its importance to the magazine.
The genre of the magazine (which is rock music) is represented through the colours, choice of images, the band who the article is about and the concept of the article.

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