Thursday 17 January 2013

We Love Pop content poge research analysis

For this particular content page, the thing that takes up the most amount of space are the images. This is important for a content page because it represents to the reader the main things that they will be reading about without having to read anything in a lot of detail. This also means that they can realise what they are interested in almost immediately and quickly grasp the information on where they need to go within the magazine to read about it. The images used are a lot more emphasised than the written content. This is because the images are quite large in comparison to the small font used for the text. The image of One Direction is clearly represented to be taken from the main article as it is a larger image than the others and is central in the page which implies that it is the most important article within the magazine.
The images used on the page are of popular current artists and celebrities which relate to the written content because the text explains whereabouts you can find the information about the images of celebrities, what the information will be about and the posters included within the magazine. Each image taken from an article within the magazine is placed around the image from the main article. Whereas the images taken from the posters that are included are within an orange frame to highlight that they are seperate to the articles.
The mise-en-scene within the images represent the target auidence as the emphasis is put on the pop stars in the images which is achieved by the simple settings in each picture. This has been done to put more attention on the artists in the images as they are whom the target audience (teenage girls) will be interested in. The colours in the images highlight the concept of the article they are taken from. For example, the image of one direction has a white background implying that the article is very light-hearted. Whereas the image of the Wanted has a dark background implying the article about them is more serious and dark.
The image composition basically tells us what each article within the magazine is about and which article is the most important. This is shown through the fact that the image from the main article is in the centre of the page and is much bigger than the images from the other articles.
As all of the artists in the images are looking at the audience, it makes the reader feel included as it seems like they are looking at them. This makes the reader feel special and more interested in reading the magazine.
Due to the fact that the images used are of current, popular pop stars that teenage girls are most likely to be fans of, this relates to the target audience which helps increase sales of the magazine.
The main type of linguistic devices that have been used are quotes taken from the article that is about the pop star in the image. Underneath the quote, the writer of the magazine explains the quote to give the reader more information about what they are going to be reading about. For example, underneath the image of The Wanted, there is a quote which states 'They make me absolutely furious!' and is explained by saying 'The Wanted reveal their seven deadliest sins.' The quote gives the reader excitement about reading the article as a band they are a fan of has said it themselves and the explaination describes to them the concept of the article. There are also the use of slang words and phrases. For example, 'We get snuggley with JLS.' has been used to relate to the target audience as 'snuggley' is a word they are likely to use and gives a light-hearted atmosphere. The text links to the images because the majority of it are quotes taken from the article that the image is from. This gives the audience more of an understanding to the purpose of the image as it is describing the concept of the article bluntly yet interestingly.
The fact that this page is placed at the beginning of the magazine highlights its' importance. This is because it is the first thing the reader will see and explains what the entire magazine includes so must be at the beginning for the reader to read first.
The genre of the magazine is shown through the choice of images as they are all of popular bands and singers that the target audience can relate to, the colour scheme because it is very light-hearted and happy and the name of the magazine because it is fun and makes the audience feel included.

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