Monday 21 January 2013

Kerrang! contents page research

The thing that take up the most amount of space on this contents page are the images taken from a selection of articles within the magazine. This is important because it means that the reader has the ability to see what the main articles in the magazine are going to be about without having to read anything becuse they can just see that from the images. The visual impact is taken up by the image of the singer who in which the main article is about. As the images surrounding it are all balanced and the same size, this image is a lot bigger implying it is from a more important article than the rest.
The images on the page are all of singers from rock bands either from a photoshoot or performing. These relate to the written content because they represent to the reader the concept of the magazine, what the main articles are going to be about and they all link to the genre of the magazine allowing the reader to realise if they will be interested in the magazine or not. Each image is surrounded by either another image or a peice of text that links to the image next to it. This helps give more information about the article and image to the audience. In terms of mise-en-scene, all images link to the genre of the magazine, rock music. This is because, in terms of costume, all of the artists in the images are wearing clothes that are stereotypical of a rock singer. For example dark, baggy clothing like the picture in the bottom left hand corner. The colours that have been used are quite plain giving more emphasis on the written content and the images which are quite dark in comparison to the background. Due to the fact that all the people in the images are well known singers in which the target audience are likely to be fans of, it gives the reader more of a personal relationship with the singers because they are seeing images of their favourite singers which they have never seen before. The connotes to how the images relate to the target audience because it shows how the choice of images are all of singers that the target audience will be very familiar with.
This magazine has not used any slang words or phrases. This is because they wanted to get straight to the point and just give the basic information needed about the articles and singers that the reader can then read in more detail later on in the magazine. The written content links to the images because the text explains why the image has been used and where in the magazine the reader can learn more about it. This copy is placed at the beginning of the magazine because it will be the first thing the reader comes across and so it includes all the information they will need to then go and read the magazine in more detail.
The genre of the magazine; which is rock music; is shown through the choice of images as they are all of rock singers and bands, the font of text because it is very bold and eye catching and the choice of colours because they are quite dark and give out a rocky atmosphere.

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