Monday 21 January 2013

Q magazine contents page research

The thing that takes up the most amount of space on the page is the image of the band, The Courteeners, because they are who the main article in the magazine is about. This is important because it is the first thing that the reader will notice when looking at the page implying that is the most important thing in magazine. The image also holds the visual impact of the page while the the written content surrounding is all balanced to one another.
There are two images on the page which are taken from the two main articles within the magazine. As the image at the top of the page is a lot bigger than the one at the bottom, it implies that that image is from the main article whereas the other image is from a seperate part of the magazine. Also, the image at the bottom is underneath a seperate heading implying that it is not from an article within the magazine, but a review as it says. The setting of the images relates to the genre of music of the magazine, which is indie rock. For example, the main image is set in a countryside on a hill which links to the stereotype of indie rock singers not wanting to be mainstream and follow the croud. The colours that have been used are fairly neautral and give out quite a relaxed vibe linking to the stereotypoe of indie music being fairly layed back. The image compostition tells us that this magazine is based on indie music by the choice of bands and artists to feature in the images and the way they have neautral facial expressions whereas a pop magazine has more eccentric images. In comparison to other music magazines, the images in this magazine have less of a relationship with the reader than others. This is because the reader isn not included as much because the singers in the images are not really looking and the camera implying that they are not associating with the audience as much. However, the images relate to the target audience because they are very stereotypical of indie rock bands through their clothes, facial expressions, where they are and their hair style.
The linguistic devices in which this contents page uses are mainly quotations from articles within the magazine. For example, 'He's just showing off.' is used as little incite to the main article in the magazine which helps make the reader more intrigued about what they are about to read. The tone of the written content is quite informal because they use of quotations makes it seem very exclusive and very fact based by the fact that it gives very little detail and just information about where to find articles in the magazine. The text links to the images because it is referring to similar bands of the same genre and also gives information about the articles in which the images have been taken from. This page is placed at the beginning of the magazine because it has all the information the reader needs to read before reading the rest of the magazine so it will be the first thing the reader sees.
The genre of the magazine is clearly shown through the colour scheme; because it is very neautral and layed back, the choice of images and the artists in the images.

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