Wednesday 23 January 2013

Target Audience - Teenage girls

Target Audience:

As my choice of music genre is pop music, the suitable target audience for this would be teenage girls between the ages of 11-15. This because, after the research i have done on teen music magazines like We Love Pop and Top Of The Pops, it has become clear that the content of the magazines are relevant for people of that age. For example, in We Love Pop magazine, they feature a lot of articles about singers that the audience can relate to and are likely to be fans of. Such as, they recently had a main article in the magazine about the popular girlband, The Saturdays. This relates to the target audience of teenage girls because The Saturdays fans mainly consist of young teenage girls which highlight why this particular magazine would include an article about them. This connotes how if i create a music magazine in which its genre is pop, the most suitable target audience is teenage girls because the most popular and well known pop artists around at the moment fans' mainly consist of this type of people.
As you can see in the printscreens above of the We Love Pop website homepage, the features they have used relate to the target audience of teenage girls. You can see this by how they have advertised a computer game that is suitable for people of the age of 12 and above. This represents the way in which the magazine is speaking out to the target audience because it is adverrtising something that is suitable for people of that age.

The way in which this magazine homepage also has poll in which the public can voice their opinions on something they will be interested in, like who the newest One Direction girlfriend is. A magazine with a target audience of older people who not ionclude something like this as it is quite informal and allows young teenagers to voice their opinion which the do not get to do as much as adults. The choice of colours also represent how the magazine is reaching out to the target audience. This is because all the colours that have been used are very bright and extravagant which links to the target audience becuase it represents a fun and lively atmosphere making teenage girls want to read the magazine. Magazines that have a target audience of adults have are known to have more of a sophisticated and subtle colour scheme highlighting why the choice of colours on We Love Pop magazine are so suitable to their target audience of teenage girls.

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