Tuesday 22 January 2013

Q magazine double page spread research

On this double page spread article, the image of the popular indie rock band, The Arctic Monkeys is taking up the most amount of space. This is important because it makes it clear to the audience what the concept of the article is on and allows them to decide whether they will be interested in the article or not. This image is a lot bigger than the other image used in the article. However, as both images are of the band performing, it balances the importance of the images out a little. Also, the text surrounding the small image is all balanced because it is all the same size.
Both of the images used on the page are of The Arctic Monkeys performing which relates to the target audience as they are taken at concerts in wish many of the readers would have attended. This links to mise-en-scene and how the setting of the image represents the stereoypte of indie rock fans spending a lot of time at concerts and the hair styles of the band member link to the stereotype of indie rock singers have very long, messy hair. The colours that have been used are grey and black which are quite dull picture allowing the reader to focus more on the images and text. The images hold quite a strong relationship with the reader because the images are taken at a place in which is likely for the reader to be at which makes them feel special and included in their lives.
The mode of the article is quite formal becuase it is a review of their concert so the writers have to stay professional and be realistic to how the performance was as well as seeming interested in the music. The connotes how the text links to the images because the images are taken from the concert that the article review is written about. The review are placed towards the end of the magazine after all the articles and other content as the reviews are always placed at the back of magazines.
The genre of magazine, which is indie rock music, is represented throught the colours used because they are very neautral, the choice of images as they are from a concert with indie music fans and the choice of artists because The Arctic Monkeys are a very well known and popular indie rock band.

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